Python round() is a built-in function that returns the rounded off floating point number to specified digits after the decimal point. If not specified explicitly, round() returns rounded off floating point number to the nearest integer to its input.

python round() function

Python round() Syntax

round (number[, decimalplaces])

round() function takes two parameters as arguments.

  • number (required) – a number that is to be rounded off
  • decimalplaces (optional) – species the precision after the decimal point

Note: round() function sometimes doesn’t exactly returns the rounded number as we expect in mathematics. For example, round(2.675, 2) gives 2.67 instead of the expected 2.68. This is because in Python some decimal numbers cannot be represented exactly as a float.

Python round() Example

>>> #in absence of decimalplaces
>>> round(1)
>>> round(1.4)
>>> round(1.6)

>>> #with decimal places
>>> round(1.343,2)
>>> round(1.346,2)